Summary of Donations to Sheldon's Shooting Stars

Sheldon’s Shooting Stars is a local Portsmouth Charity very close to Stroma’s heart and supports patients who have been diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Living with this incurable diagnosis is a daily struggle to these amazing patients and their families. The charity aims to raise money to help improve their situation in some small way, whether its the local support group , family days out to help make memories or just a helping hand to those families who may be struggling. Sheldon’s members and friends have been an amazing support to our family and we will be forever grateful.

16 Online donations :
- donated by visitors: £390.00
- plus Gift Aid reclaim: £0.00
Online total: £390.00
Offline donations: £0.00
Total value raised: £390.00
Donation processing costs: £23.11
Donation Processing Costs Example
Donation: £10
+ Gift Aid @ 25%: £2.50
Platform fee of 3.2% on donation + Gift Aid: 40p
Payment processing fee of 1.9% + 20p: 39p
Money received by charity: £11.71
Notes to the above:

Online donation figures include all donations made via this donate page to Sheldon's Shooting Stars and includes any Gift Aid reclaimed on behalf of eligible organisations.

Offline donations include cash, cheques and any other donations paid directly to the fundraising organisation. This offline donation total is updated periodically by the Tribute Guardian in conjunction with the fundraising organisation.

The "total raised" figure shown above therefore reflects all monies raised from all sources, both online and offline. Thank you for your support of this Tribute Fund.